Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Lies Will Struggle to Flourish

Thou knowest not the end of thy days, when thou breathes from thy bosom one final strain'd breath. And therein, death doth not race on a speedy steed to warn thee of thy forthcoming end. He may taketh at his own druthers, nary a shred of kindness or of malice. This dark angel doth carry out his employment like the sun doth shine, like a storm doth torment with wreaking winds and clamoring thunder, resembling none other than the indifference of a mouse finding its fodder.

Plan thee not for thy death. Rather, spend thy days cogitating on what it is to live and to love, for you will reach a cause no more noble.

Of this device I speak unto all of our blue strumpets, unto our blasphemers of the sacred morals kept in earnest by the most diligent of our brethren. And to these blasphemers my words doth fall on deaf ears. Thus, mine eyes wet my cheeks whilst screaming this language with unrelenting zeal from a mountain peak tethered to a vast sky.

Alas, I fear I will not be heard, lest thou dost not beckon the righteous courage to serve in an army of truth tellers. At this conceivable notion, unto an audience crying with momentous sympathy, I woefully sigh.

What fate shall I henceforth suffer for breeding this lofty stance? Will my heart be hewn from my bosom with wanton cruelty or will my bravery fall upon respectful salutations? I know not, therefore, I trundle through a wilderness fiendish and wicked.

And this darkness shall henceforth plague our environs, save for when love can be thrust into it . . . like a sword thrust into the belly of a rabid beast. And so bringeth a noble blade a graceful light unto bile-filled entrails!

At the horizon cometh the rising of the sun and therein an antidote to this wretched darkness rests in the hearts of our human family. It is love that doth blot out its raging opposite! It is love that doth lift us from our foul mires! It is love that doth reconcile our sins!

In what part of my flesh resides such love? If it is not in my heart alone, then it is also issued from my lips with great rigor and resolve. Dost thou know of what truth I speak? Dost thou blend thy good sense with reality as it should? To know wholesome truth, is to forfeit the utterances of deceit. Embrace the kingdom of love and the lies will struggle to flourish.

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